After two weeks, it is finally over. Leadership week/frosh week came to a blissful end at approximately 11:45 a.m. With the grass looking a bit greener and the smell of autumn in the air, I quite enjoyed rolling out of 25 Ballyconnor with a good friend and car full of luggage. I spent little time dropping Darryl off and picking up some things from the house I'm living in and proceeded directly to the 401 West on my way back to Smithville. Now don't get me wrong I loved a lot of this past little while but am definatley thankful for at least a couple days to myself. In honor of these past two weeks I think that I a top 10 list in in order.
10. Fair Havens: I realized how much I absolutely love that place when there are few other people around.
9. Working with Darryl and an 8 year old from Kitchener on the largest architectural project I have ever been a part of. I imagine it would take quite a storm to bring that sand castle down.
8. A road trip back from the Pinery featuring Pat, Fulford and Michelle Whiting. Comments like "I can't get enough of your love babe" and "you have a flat tire" combined with the quest for a gas station/ bathroom and a ridiculous amount of traffic made for some good times.
7. The new house. While the majority of my time there so far has consisted of me being relatively unconscious for 8 hours each time-- it is coming together and I'm definitely blessed to live with some great guys.
6. Michelle Whiting: "Do you want a chocolate bar?" and sitting on the bus together (although there was no leaning on each other)
5. The reunions. The night I saw Nathan for the first time in a while, combined with the surprise of Silas turned me into a giddy school girl for about an hour.
4. Ruth/Naomi, Peregrenatio and walking with me, or walking with you.
3. Derek Webb. It was different than the other concerts at Tyndale and he didn't speak as much as I thought he would but he was phenomenal. He gave us a tangible ministry to invest in that I think represents a lot of what we (as a Council) want the students at Tyndale to become aware of: --we're going to build a well.
2. I had a great conversation near the (as if) muffin shop with a good friend last week. I loved that conversation.
1. Council/Ministry Team/RA Team. I can not say enough good things about this team. I'm not really involved with the RA's too much but from what I saw--- they did a great job. And the Council/Ministry team did an absolutely incredible job in everything that they planned and made things fun while doing it. I am privileged to serve alongside so many great leading servants....