Friday, March 18, 2005

a night on the town...

A couple of days ago I went to a club downtown with a bunch of people from school. After about an hour of doing the whole club scene, I sat down at our table and began to contemplate what exactly was happening here. Admittedly, I am unfamiliar with this scene but as I was watching the hundreds of 'beer in hand 20 somethings' get down to 'you shook me all night long' I started to wonder if this is a religion. Let's think about this for a second. A place where people congregate regularly that promotes community, consistent attendance, friendship and dare I say worship? It occurred to me (as a couple who had decided to join me at my table started making out) that things I had heard about worship before became very real. All of us worship something. That's about as cliche as look both ways before you cross the street, but I actually learned this from my clubbing experience.

I think clubbing attempts to answer these questions and the way they do this is through a worshipping community. What they worship is debatable,--themselves I think would be a place to start, each other, the opposite sex, sex, alcohol, seemed like the whole place was consumed by these matters. If that is the case, and I think it was, are we surprised that clubs exist and are in fact thriving when churches are empty? No, because people like to worship these things because there is nothing else. But if people understood why they desire for these type of needs to be fulfilled we'd have a revolution on our hands...

Anyway, just a little rant on why I think that right now thousands of people are dancing and drinking the night away...because they desire something God has put in them but misplaced their means of fulfillment. If that's the case, how will they know?...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just seeing if posting works...