It has finally happened. The one and only Jason Locke has begun to blog. Despite his brief blog life I am giving him an automatic link in faith that he will produce a copious amount of wisdom. Check him out (his blog..that is). I stole this picture from Ian because I like it. I will give Ian two links in one blog for this picture. Or is it worth three?
Today was good for many reasons, the greatest of which is that it represents the last night in Philly for nearly a fortnight... In the words of Kitty from Arrested Development "Spring Break!!"
Things that I am looking forward to in coming days (in no particular order).
1) Waking up in Canada.
2) Visiting the Toronto friends...
3) Sleeping.
4) Reading for fun.
5) Getting the conference stuff sorted out.
6) Being in Smithville for more than 18 hours at once.
7) Going downtown Toronto.
8) Catching up on my movie watching/ enjoying other mindless activities.
Things that I am not looking forward to
1) putting gas in my car in Canada.
Hey, if you are in Hamilton at all, you'll have to swing by!
gas in my neighbourhood is 99.9...
so much!
Yeah I wonder if you're really looking forward to the blowing snow which is going on outside right now or the freezing rain which is about to follow suit in a couple of hours.
Welcome home buddy. Thanks for link AND for the vote of confidence right off the bat. Touches my heart. Gas was 1.05/litre at Petro Can when I was leaving Oshawa today...wow.
One other thing, when you get here, you're definitely showing me the whole link junk, pictures...anything else that might make my blog less writing, more visual...
See you later this weekend.
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