Wednesday, April 18, 2007

____ hope and love

On Sunday morning Matt and I awoke to find this sign posted just outside our door. At some point during the weekend someone had the idea to write EVERYTHING in the world that had to get done onto large sheets of paper- (this is the opposite of setting small goals- remember my pep talk!). Anyway, Matt and I received our own sheet from the Toothfairy or some magical character in a pink dress...

You'll notice that most of the things have been checked off. The unchecked boxes are so for two reasons:
1) I forgot to call the Toothfairy witty.

2) I didn't realise that item #4 was meant for me or Matt to tell two specific girls that are not currently at the seminary (and may in fact be in Florida and Toronto) that we are staggered by their beauty and unassuming grace...until just now... Oh Toothfairy, you are so witty. (hmmm... I think that means item #8 is also complete?)

ps- the toothfairies name is not mentioned but may be discerned through the clue which is present in the title of this post.


Anonymous said...

#4 - check!

have a *fabulous* day...


Anonymous said...

oh, and *keep the faith*! haha...

mio again.

Anonymous said...

Well done! You get an A+! Matt gets an A- because he responded to the wrong girl about #4....and he said he was "staggered by her grace and unassuming beauty."

-The magical character in the pink dress-