Sunday, May 01, 2005

channel surfing fiasco

It's been a while since i last blogged. I could attribute it to the final push of papers/exams that took place but honestly I really wasn't inspired to write, until tonight.

I'm back at home for an extended period for the first time in 2 years. A funny thing happens to me when I'm at home- I watch a whole lot more t.v. I hate t.v. most times and really just watch sports and Seinfeld during the year but at home I'm always reminded what kind of retarded things are on t.v.

Tonight I swore at this stupid little box that sat 3 feet away from me. Normally I don't swear but tonight a couple of people deserved it (if ever someone deserved to be sworn at...). Firstly, this woman on CNN told America that cheating on your spouse was a natural instinct of human beings and that she doesn't feel guilt for ruining someone's life, in fact she expects people to have ramped sex because its 'only natural'. You know those times when you feel God's heart break? I almost threw up.

The second time I swore at the t.v. happened about 5 minutes later when I was flipping through the channels and came to BET where some white guy (ironic?) was quoting scripture. Interesting I thought-- and then his book flashed across the screen, "How to be Rich and Have Everything You Ever Wanted". You *&^% #$%*&", I said. Prosperity gospel also makes me sick. Of all of the things to preach on this guy is telling a gullible generation of single moms that these 7 steps (1- do more, 2- think more etc...seriously, these are the steps...) will literally cause them to be millionaires, because a millionaire is the desire of God for each believer.

I have trouble believing this. In fact, like I said, it makes me sick. Now, I have nothing against tangible blessings in a persons life.--to whom much is given, much is expected...but to say that a person should not be content with their state and should try to become a millionaire--as if that is some kind of desirable lifestyle--i think is a big mistake. after all, it is harder for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Was Jesus pulling our legs on this one?

Now, maybe, just maybe this guy should be more concerned about being rich... and how not to be rich. I hope one day he writes a book called - 'how to give up everything you ever owned and still be happy'? To me, that sounds more like the gospel of Jesus than any word spoken on BET tonight. This guy on t.v. and Rich Ruler could have been friends. If only Jesus would have told the Rich Ruler that to inherit eternal life he had to follow 7 steps that would lead to vast reaches and the achievementt of his life long dreams. Why is it that materialism has taken the place of social action, of helping the poor, the widow, the orphan--no, instead this guy wants everyone to have a yacht. I would sadly expect this attitude from Hollywood or maybe at Times Square but from someone with the Word of God? Lord help us.

Well, that was a nice little rant to begin the month of May.


NathanColquhoun said...

" 'how to give up everything you ever owned and still be happy'?"

good luck, it seems as if we have all tried that, maybe the book should be called, friggin, money sucks

"How to give up everything you ever owned, be miserable because you don't have everything that the world values, and still be content because you know that money doesn't bring value, only Christ can"

or something like that.

Great post. Looking forward to reading more in the month of May.

Anonymous said...

I'm liking the way this Month is shaping up. I like the emotion behind this blog, Lewis, that and your ideas. I agree with the whole TV thing. It is like the internet a whole lot of crap with some good stuff. You just got to have you filters on. Anyway i go to go and make money. MI$$ you.