Saturday, July 02, 2005

*insert clever blog title here*

Hey everyone, (Heidi, Tom, Nathan)

I hope you all are doing well...really. The last couple of weeks have been remarkably crazy. I remember explicitly saying to one of my youth kids a couple of month ago two things: first, that I would probably never work for Fair Havens again and that I would never work for my home church again, ever. It's not that I had anything against either of these place- I mean, I love Fair Havens and I've known the people at my church for 20 years-- there is no bad blood there-- I just knew that I wouldn't be working there. And so, I planned my own thing. I interviewed for a camp job in T.O, got told that I'd work there for a summer and then be the director next summer--pretty good plan I thought. Of course I had some time to waste before the camp started, about 5 weeks worth.

I got home from Fair Havens last week...what a glorious 5 weeks of work it was. I can not even believe the amount of fun that was had. Here's some of my favorite things about this pre-season, in no particular order: Becoming way better friends with the Jon, Mike and Dan, I can't even believe how much I've grown to love you guys. Seeing Dan fall out of and be run over by a golf cart (don't tell Bob...). Writing a song and performing it with Mike...ah yes "Caitlyn and Sarah are our favorite guest services workers in the whole world...etc..etc.."--it's in the process of being recorded. Blue?...who is supposed to know that former Russian president Kruschev has blue eyes...I can't stand (and yet love) Trivial Pursuit. If they tell me I can't do high ropes...they're right (nice work Lindsay)...if they tell me I can't do a front flip in the's go time... 47 awkward attempts later...the front flip is mastered, and my back/head/neck is in serious need of a chiropractor. Drive in movies, falling windows, cabin painting, Thursday nights, taking one for the team and Bill Davis all contributed to a great month.

The plot thickens. The day camp is waiting for me when the time comes, but then I get the email heard around the world (or at least by those sitting next to me at the time). The day camp had low registrations and needed to look at things like job cuts, salary reduction etc. So- I put the word out to a couple of places, including (gulp) my church, letting them know I may be looking for a job.

I started working at my home church the day after I got home from Fair Havens. I'll be doing some day camp stuff, starting a college and careers group, helping out with youth and doing some preaching. To me, this is the funniest thing that could have happened. There's a proverb that goes something like "In his heart a man plans his course but the LORD determines his steps"....okay Lord, you've made your point.

This is what makes life so exciting. I wonder what will happen tomorrow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lewis,
Glad you had fun up here...I know I enjoyed your company for those 5 weeks. This place isn't the same without you.