Sunday, June 12, 2005

altars for sinning

"Though Ephraim built many altars for sin offerings,
these have become altars for sinning”. Hosea 8:11

These two lines jumped out of the page the other day. I’m wondering if this is a warning that anyone who is involved with any sort of ministry or kingdom stuff in general should have plastered on the wall of their office. A couple of friends and I are involved in starting our own business that’s going to be doing some incredible stuff that we are very excited about. We feel like God has given us a similar vision and has opened all these doors to make this vision a reality. In turn I think that our motives are pure but the last thing I want is to have this thing that starts out right end up becoming ‘altars for sinning’ or ~ the exact opposite of what it was designed to do. I mean, there is a precedent for this sort of thing happening; think of any secular university that began as a seminary and now produces a generation (for the most part) of religious skeptics. Or young pastors who began with a passion for the hurting and then hit it big (dare I say - mega?) and end up with the beamers and a real estate business on the side. I guess the only way to really not have to worry about this is to never attempt anything. That is not an option, it can’t be. I guess a good old fashioned gut check every now and again and an earnest effort make sure that our “concern is not whether God is on our side; (but our) greatest concern is to be on God's side” (A. Lincoln) will mean there will be no ‘altars for sinning’.

Either that or we just stick to the business plan, right guys?