I've been rocking the T-Dot for about 24 hours now and it feels good. I spent last night at the Raptors game with Jay (they lost in a lackluster effort) but it was good times nonetheless. I also made a decision on my favorite Raptor: Jorge Garbojosa.

1) he has a beard.
2) he is from Spain.
3) he plays tough.
4) he has a beard.
Last night I also watched Jesus Camp- I think this is more of a conversation than a blog post right now. I think Jason might be writing something up as we speak about it...and I believe Nathan wrote about it a while ago. Weird.
I'm 100 pages into Confessions of an Economic Hitman- wow. wow. wow. Does this stuff really happen? It's a novel based on the authors life, so its going by fast but some of his allegations- if they are true are absolutely outrageous. Here's the premise...
"We (economic hitmen) are an elite group of men and women who utilize international financial organizations to foment conditions that make other nations subservient to the corporatocracy running our biggest corporations, our government, our banks...If an EHM is completely successful, the loans are so large that the debtor is forced to default on its payments after a few years. When this happens, then like the Mafia we demand our pound of flesh. This often includes one or more of the following: control over United Nations votes, the installation of military bases, or access to precious resources such as oil. Of course, the debtor still owes us the money- and another country is added to our global empire"
Currently we (the fellas) are half way through Flags of Our Fathers- I wanted to rent Letters from Iwo Jima but got the American side of the story since the movie of choice wasn't available. So far I've realised that the days of watching thousands of people being blown up and maimed are behind me, hence the blog posting in the middle of a movie.
I watched Flags the other night too. I wasn't down with the gun action [although I had to expect it was coming] but was really interested in the whole war propaganda angle. I went and saw Children of Men last night too. A little creepy, but a good one. Glad to hear you're enjoying your break, buddy boy.
Hey. Good to have you by 493 there on the weekend.
In addition, those basketball tickets were a result of the following actions on my part:
1. I signed up the youth group for a fund raising volleyball tournament.
2. I was not well prepared (a result of procrastination) and instead of giving out a pledge form to each kid, I just collected their pledges on the day of, and put them all on one sheet.
3. I put my name on the top of this pledge sheet.
4. I was not aware, but there were prizes given to the individuals who raised the most money. 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
5. Due to my lack of planning, the tournament officiants believed that I had single-handily raised $650.
6. With their misunderstanding yielding its full consequences, they awarded me (in front of all the participants) the prize of 2 Raptors tickets, valued at $200 each.
Visit again soon,
C.D. Clements
your obliviousness is my blessing...
thank you. see you soon.
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