On February 17th we had exactly 56 registrations and we began to sweat a little...a pray a little more...
By 9am on the day of the conference we had registered 760+ people... we are overwhelmed by this.
I think there are a lot of reasons why justice is so huge right now. One reason is that we're seeing a generation of rich kids who grew up in the suburbs realise that there's more to life than the acquisition of stuff. The main reason is probably a shift that we're seeing in the church towards loving our neighbor (local and global) as much or more than we love ourselves, all the while wrestling with what are God's dreams for the world- things like fighting for the poor and oppressed are being found here. Its happening, and its awesome...
Lots to say but here are my highlights...
Steve, Nate and Darryl. I love them and can't imagine having anyone I love working with more.
Our volunteers- unbelievable examples and so helpful- they make the conference happen.
Jim Wallis telling me back stage that the reason he came is that Brian Mclaren asked him too! Thank you Brian!
The 60 year old Catholic couple who said to me "what is Epiphaneia and how can we get involved?"
Seeing so many friends there who are wrestling with the concept of the Church as they've known it but finding encouragement with the words of the speakers- its not hopeless!
The kind words from Jay Locke and George...
In Jim Wallis' Q & A he got "what do we do with people who are convinced that the world is just too bad and beyond repair and what's the point since Jesus is coming back soon anyway?" Jim Wallis "first, that's just bad eschatology"
I got a chance to first go into the main session at 9am and saw this huge room seemingly full- that was an overwhelming first impression.

The offers we got to be involved with other organizations... (don't worry, we're not selling out...)
Lots more but for now you can read about other peoples experiences here:
Darryl Dash
David Fitch
and of course...
Nathan Colquhoun
Until next year....
Good confrence! You guys did a really great job.
Just remember, don't forget about us little people when you're all big and famous. :)
Ps. I hear yout going to start your very own hippy commune! sweet deal man.
The volunteers lunch was great. Keep up the good work.
Glad to hear you guys aren't "selling out." You did an awesome job by yourselves (even though that's not what it's all about). By the way, incase you were wondering, I am NOT finishing my take-home test right now, I am enjoying sweet procrastination. For a few more minutes.=)
it has come to my attention that 72 hours has passed since your last blog post...
as a contender for *top blogger*, in "angela's wonderful world of blogging", this could seriously inhibit your chances of winning...
just thought i would throw that out there. (haha).
p.s. - if this so called commune is started, you might consider stipulating a strict *boys must have beards* policy. just an idea.
'boys must have beards' is #2 on our community tenets list, right behind 'you must own a Volkswagen diesel' and ahead of 'you must wear sandals for 9 months of the year'.
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