Wednesday, February 21, 2007

moving back to the left...or the middle.

In thinking about this whole MNC thing and how it's not ideal but it does help some people (or I think it may). I was also thinking about jobs and how important they are and basically thought that this is why Muhammad Yunus just won the Nobel Peace Prize for mircofinance.

Essentially it uses structures in capitalism but puts them in the hands of the people- which as far as I can tell is the best of both worlds. It gives them access to credit, which means that hard work and creativity can translate into a transition out of poverty. It also means alternative jobs and that people don't have to work at MNCs- which, if it develops enough, will drive up the wages of those who do work there.

Well, I'm hoping to track down some 'water-ice' tonight with Nate and Rachel. This is a drink I had 6 years ago when I was here- it was fantastic but I haven't seen it anywhere else since. Here's hoping.

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