Thursday, March 08, 2007

two introductions in one day.

Last Saturday I went out for lunch with Keith Brooks to a classy establishment on Yonge St. called Goldenstar(I'm not sure it's as classy as you might be imagining). As we walk in we both recall the last time either of us had been there- about four years ago with Kie. Anyway, it was a good time.

Now, this post really has nothing to do with that restaurant but is mostly about Keith. Keith is a former roommate, one who abandoned me in my time of need for cheap rent and the endless prospects of dance-dance revolution.

Keith has begun blogging (again) as he gently reminded me in an email I received just yesterday "Thanks for not linking to my blog on your site...prickface".

Thus is our relationship...and I wouldn't have it any other way.

You'll see his link to the right... If he maintains his blog he should be good for some solid reading material.

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