Monday, March 12, 2007

why democracy is an illusion.

In some of my recent readings I've had this sneaking suspicion that the world is a whole lot more messed up than I might have given it credit for. I know that it's bad- but is it really that bad? Yes, the answer is yes...

As far as I can tell democracy is an illusion. I've really just been exposed to American politics in this respect so I'll be painting with quite a large brush.

Nonetheless, I think that contrary to popular belief, large corporations and not governments- run the world. I believe this based on three examples.

1. Omar Torrijos- a Panamanian leader who negotiated the successful re-acquisiton of the Panama Canal from the Americans under Jimmy Carter's presidency- this happened in 1977. Then, Reagan takes over the White House and tries to get the Canal back. Torrijos is not having this. When Torrijos starts to talk about developing and expanding this waterway with rumors of Korea getting many of the billion dollar contracts...(which would go to American MNCs under different circumstances) Torrijos is killed in a plane crash in 1981. that's odd...

2. Jaime Roldos- president of Ecuador, fought for the rights of his people and the expulsion of MNCs from his country unless they started to give Ecuador their dues. Some might have called him a socialist. I call him a hero. Roldos was killed in a plane crash in 1981. hmmm...what is going on here?

3. Halliburton, Bechtel, Lockheed Martin and Harken are examples of corporations where either Presidents or Vice-Presidents have played a significant role (board members, CEO etc). This isn't bad in itself until you consider that such companies have a lot at stake in say... oil rich nations (Halliburton, Harken) or stand to make a lot of money from producing weapons (Lockheed Martin)...for, like...a war... or getting the contracts for the rebuilding (Bechtel) of say...Iraq.

Okay okay...the conspiracy theory is just pouring out now.

Conclusion: The purpose of democracy is to give the appearance of power with the people. In reality, large corporations, simply because of their worth and ability to influence the economy are able to pressure the government into making decisions that will keep them (MNCs) rich -even if this means taking out a socialist here and there to do it...

The 21st century will be all about corporatocracy.

This is bad, bad, bad news for developing countries.

The oil talk has me wondering about Stephen Harper and the oil sands... do Canadians really know what is going on there...ahhhhh...this is another post.... Maybe if we decimate the oil sands there's a smaller chance that America will want to set up shop here anytime soon. Okay, enough conspiracy theory....


NathanColquhoun said...

yes yes yes.
i've been saying that for quite some time but i had no reason to say it, now i do.

democracy seems to me like a voted in dictatorship, but let's be honest about the voting process. We play on people's weaknesses (their insecurity, lack of money, desire for power) and saturate them and then get them to mark a piece of paper (or ironically do it electronically) and then BAM, we have another dictator for four years.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

alright, let's suppose this is true and we're living under the illusion of democracy ... what are we supposed to do? if everything is controlled by MNCs anyway, is there any point in voting? I would really be interested to see if Canada is as culpable in all this as the US ... get on that, will you Lewis?

Chris Lewis said...


good question.

i think that democracy on a micro level works to some extent (municipals...)... but on the macro level it is dodgy...

Anonymous said...

i say if democracy is an illusion, the winner of every democratic election should come out to make an acceptance speech with 'the final countdown' playing in the background, and then he [or she] will fling 100 pennies out of their sleeve.

Chris Lewis said...

...why should i be the ceo? for the same reason that 100 dollars is now 100 pennies...!!!

Anonymous said...

The reason democracy is a sham is that only half the population participates. In the US the voter turnout is usually 50%, in Canada it is 60%. The politicians know who is voting and they cater their policies to them. If everyone, and I mean EVERYONE actually got out and voted you'd see a big change. The politicians would know they couldn't make dodgy deals with MNC's because they'd be out on their butt the next election. But now, you have a Liberal government who can lose over a billion dollars of taxpayers money and still get re-elected. Imagine if the Liberals would have to be accountable to all Canadians as opposed to only half of them who decided to actually vote.